LOMBARD SUPPORT : unofficial Louise Lombard fansite


624: way to go X


In the wake of the shooting, a CSI team member faces a tough decision by holding the person's power of attorney. Meanwhile, when evidence suggests that a small-waisted man who was decapitated by a train was really a cover up for murder, the CSIs investigate the man's bizarre lifestyle of routinely wearing corsets.
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622: time of your death X


When Jeffrey Powell, a high-stakes blackjack player turns up dead, the CSIs are brought in to find out what actually happened. Suspicion immediately turns to the blonde Jeff spent the night with after his big win.
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621: rashomama X


At first, the CSIs surmise that whoever took Nick's car must also have killed the groom's mother. However, as they retrace their steps and gather new evidence, the team begins to suspect that someone in the bridal party may be responsible for this "not so happily ever after" occasion.
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620: poppin' tags X


The CSI team is lead into the rap music world as they investigate the murders of three rival teen rappers.
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618: the unusual suspect X


A sister's stunning courtroom confession throws her brother's guilt into question. Blindsided, the CSIs must race to re-examine the case's evidence in order to determine which sibling is telling the truth, but begin to suspect that a more sinister scheme may be at work.
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617: i like to watch X


A camera crew from a reality series follows the CSI team during the first 48 hours of an investigation involving an upscale real estate agent found dead in her glamorous high-rise apartment. The cameras reveal the intricacies of how the CSIs piece together the case, but also delve into how each member of the team deals differently with the emotional and physical demands of their work.
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616: up in smoke X


The CSI team explores the case of a man found stuffed down the chimney of a previous suspect's home. The CSIs determine that the body they have found was burned before it was dumped down the chimney, leading them to believe the murder was pre-meditated. During the processing of the home, Catherine and Warrick realize that this is the same address of an unsolved homicide of a young female teenager from a year ago, and re-open the investigation.
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615: pirates of the third reich X


When the body of a young woman is found half-buried in the desert outside of Vegas, Grissom teams up with Lady Heather to discover the cause of the victim's unusual death. The mystery deepens when the CSIs discover that the woman was participating in a clinical study where doctors performed experiments for sleep deprivation.
[no comment]

614: killer 02


The CSIs investigate two deaths, both linked to the same suspect. As the evidence starts to overlap, the CSI team begins to move in on the murderer... and we see the crime from the killer's perspective.
Solid episode with a great guest cast... but for a woeful lack of Sofia. Some serious flashlight holding, quickly followed by one oddly superhero-esque "I need CSI." shot and later a bit of shop-talk with Catherine (in what we can only assume is Sofia's non-cubicle, "open concept" office, dressed in atypical tweed n'dusty rose) and it's all she wrote. Brass had me in stitches (and remembers to wear his vest when busting down doors) and the car salesman was good for a giggle too.

613: kiss kiss, bye bye 02


A case in forensics becomes a case in Vegas' history when a well-connected, sexy ex-showgirl with ties to the mob hosts a party that results in the murder of one of her guests. The suspects are virtually a who's who from yesteryear, but the case holds a personal connection for Catherine as her father, Sam Braun, emerges as one of the prime suspects.
*yawn* 'tis rare that a new episode of CSI bores me, but other than some fun with Grissom & the great-un-escaping crack!girl, one great line from Brass, some cute Greg moments and fleeting appearances from Sofia, the ep was, well, dull. // So excuse me as I go digging for deeper meaning in an attempt to amuse myself: Sofia and Sara in the same room... two professional women, doing their jobs, somehow, despite the fact that they're in the same room, on the same side, interrogating the same suspect, they managed to avoid any "togetherness", including within the framed shots. The one shot we do get, they're both out of focus, and they're kept "separate" by the suspect's head. Hmmm.

612: daddy's little girl 04


The CSIs investigate the murder of a young man found dead in his girlfriend's garage after a night of taking drugs and partying. At first, Grissom and his team suspect that the man was murdered by his girlfriend after she discovered him cheating. However, the case takes a surprising twist when the identity of the other woman with whom the young man had been having an affair is revealed.
Woefully low on Sofia, but she's wearing *gasp* colour in the first scene -- and theartistformerlyknownasprince!purple too. // And at the end there, am I the only one wondering where the bulletproof vests are when busting down suspected!murderer doors? But we do get tough!pat-down Sofia, back in blue, and it looks like she took a CPR class.

611: werewolves 08


Grissom and his team uncover unusual evidence in the murder of a man who looked like a werewolf. After learning that Hypertrichosis, 'The Human Werewolf Syndrome,' runs in the victim's family, Willows and Stokes return to the crime scene to gather further evidence. They discover that the man had been keeping a secret for many years -- an important piece of information that may hold the key to unlocking the entire investigation.
Great ep! and some actual Sofia screentime, partnered with the ever-cool and kind Catherine. // Is there a law against women with hips on television? // Fantastic awkward feels-longer-than-it-is scene with Allison (who was brilliant throughout the ep: adorable, strong and meek all at the same time) standing outside the hidden bedroom while Catherine investigates. Sofia's curious, fidgety -- a far cry from Catherine's warmth or "the world at large"'s cold judgment. // Hey, we get some good cop/bad cop! // Is it me, or does Catherine look like she's worried Sofia's going to say something brash and unfeeling? Not to worry, she's just asking why it was "so difficult to tell the truth." Catherine relaxes. Yay team! // Sofia shows she does her job by checking even seeming insignificant fact, and shows some heart when she gently busts the financee on her imaginary golf tourney, then consoles her (wearing kickass boots, btw). // Oh, I almost forgot -- in what seems like a scene that could have easily been cut, there's some MAJOR bitchy!snark in a tiny little interaction between Sara and an "I've been waiting" Sofia in and around a phonebooth... writers, what's the deal? ET phone home -- methinks they need to just have it out and put us all out of our misery.

609: dog eat dog 02


The CSIs investigate the unusual death of a man found dead in a dumpster on Thanksgiving night. Grissom and his team must take their clues from what the man ate in order to identify his cause of death, which leads them into the world of competitive eating. Meanwhile, Nick and Sara investigate the suspicious death of a couple attacked and killed by their seemingly sweet dog.
I'd almost forgotten Sofia was in this episode. She covers the facts at lightning speed then all but runs out of the scene -- she literally can't find the doorknob fast enough. Strange, unexplained awkwardness... admittedly though, Nick's 'stache is enough to scare anyone away.

608: a bullet runs through it (part 2) 10


The CSIs sift through the overwhelming evidence from a shootout with drug dealers in order to determine who is responsible for the death of a police officer killed during the incident. When a wild police chase of drug smugglers through the streets of Las Vegas leaves an officer killed, the CSIs suspect that the cop killed in the line of duty was shot by one of his fellow officers.
Now THIS is what television should be (plus, it's a Sofia!saturated episode). A far cry from her normally brazen and unapologetic self, Sofia LOOKS beat-down, pale (**though I think I read somewhere that the baby had been keeping Louise up, so that she was tired, resulting in a bit of "method acting"), teetering on the edge, shaky and emotional in the fallout: questioning and regretful of her actions, feeling culpable, isolated by guilt, grieving... // Sara, normally a sympathetic port in the storm for people in crisis, cuts Sofia off at the knees, needlessly combative, callous and short when she interrupts what appears to be an intimate conversation with Grissom. Sofia snaps back, defensive and at a loss for anyone else to turn to, well aware that Grissom isn't the "right" choice for her confession, but one she found herself turning to nonetheless. She admits defeat with a tiny tilt of her head, and offers up a broken "This was a really bad idea-r." apology (**note that Louise's accent slips for a spell, as seems to happen more oft than not to Brit/Aussie/Kiwi actors when they're plugged in during emotional scenes. Love it!). While I count myself a Sara fan (in fact, all of the women on the show rock), I have personally never wanted to slap Sara more. // The run. Fitting that instead of sitting home, she instead chooses to tire her body to quiet her mind. One could surmise she's trying to outrun her demons. When that doesn't work, she calls Brass. Both are strangely hesitant and unsure of the another. The diner-scene is exquisite and real as Brass tries to offer support to an unconsolable and guilt-ridden Sofia. Louise offers up a note-perfect performance. // Emotional resonance. As in many of my favourite CSI episodes, the science takes a backseat to emotions and character interaction, though in the end it's science that both absolves and points the finger. Sofia's exoneration is bittersweet, knowing that it's Brass who now carries the burden.

607: a bullet runs through it (part 1) 09


A routine traffic stop turns into a wild police chase through the streets of Las Vegas, resulting in the death of a police officer. When all is finished, the crime scene stretches for miles and the CSIs face an avalanche of ballistic evidence in order to find the real killer of the police officer who died on the scene. Grissom fears the officer may have been the victim of "friendly fire" and not the drug criminals they were chasing.
Frenetic, confused, fast -- the opening puts you into a tailspin, then you're along for the emotional ride as the characters try to make sense of it all. The interrogation scenes are beautifully handled, shot, edited (love the flash cuts) and acted -- Paul Guilfoyle knocks it out of the park when a clearly traumatized Brass tries to remember the shooting details, and Sofia's silent shock registers when she realizes she may have been the one responsible for firing the shot that killed Bell -- Both Brass and Sofia's emotions are palpable, and both are shadowed with more than just grief over the loss of a fellow officer.

606: secrets and flies 04


The CSI team uncovers evidence in the investigation of a young mother's suicide that proves that the woman's newborn baby was not her biological child -- in fact, she was still technically a virgin at the time of her death. If the team discovers how the child was conceived, the answer may lead them to a killer. Meanwhile, Grissom is called into court to refute expert witness testimony from a suspected manipulator of evidence.
Sofia's a mere blip on the radar this week, but she struts onto the scene (triggering another CHiPs flashback), is funny "Well, apparently I was a CSI, then a detective, but now I'm a messenger." // And there's an unnecessarily long hold on Sara after Sofia asks *at* her and Brass whether they know where Grissom is... if one were looking for Sara!snark-clues, it'd speak volumes.

604: shooting stars 05


When one cult member turns up missing at a mass suicide crime scene, Grissom and his team investigate whether the small cult really committed suicide or were murdered. A middle of the night break-in at a suburban home on the edge of the Vegas desert leads the CSIs to discover an abandoned military compound being used to house a small cult. Once inside, they discover a mass suicide has taken place. However, with 11 bodies and 12 beds, Grissom surmises that the killer may be the one body missing.
Two dopes on a bench... and I'm having a CHiPs flashback (few people can pull off those shades, Sofia's just eeking by). // Vets office, cute pups: Good to know Detective!Flirty Curtis isn't just available to amuse and titilate Grissom. Smart, organized, good lookin' and proficient when it comes to snappin' on rubber gloves -- Look out Nicky, she's outta your league!

602: room service 07


The CSI team delves into the suspicious murder of an up and coming young movie star who is found dead after a night of partying in his hotel suite with his entourage of groupies. Meanwhile, downstairs at the same hotel, the team discovers that the immigrant kitchen workers may have turned against each other and committed murder.
The "He's packing a small, friendly weapon" priaprism scene had me in stitches, as did the drawled-delivery of "Well, we're going to need a list of everyone who was here worshiping the temple." // Sofia has one of those amazing appearing/disappearing tv wristwatches this ep. // She's a shrewd observer, watching intently for tells and twitches when questioning the ex-wife/manager, and later, when talking with the "I'm so getting int that party tonight for sure!" girl. // The Catherine/Hodges "if you have to ask..." heart-to-cardiomuscle scene was funny. // Who's hand did they use for the hotel-card shot? I'm gonna hazard a guess that it WASN'T Louise's... but whoever it is needs to stop gnawing on their poor fingers.

601: bodies in motion 04


The team reunites just in time to tackle three complex murder cases. Grissom and Catherine lead the team as they tackle three separate investigations: a murdered couple found in bed in a suspicious trailer explosion; a beautiful stripper discovered dead and dumped in the worst part of town; and two bodies found baked and decomposed after spending five days in the trunk of a car exposed to the hot Vegas sun, forcing the CSIs to "wrap" up the evidence and bring it back to the lab for further analysis.
Yes kids, it's no-longer-CSI-now-Detective!Flirty Curtis! Mom would be proud... or not (Mommy issues anyone? Make that Captain!Mom issues)... Brass thinks she's funny, and Grissom looks like a deer caught in headlights -- or perhaps he's being blinded by the gold reflection off her very shiny hair. She *is* funny, and Grissom's reaction (or lack thereof) makes her even funnier. // Sunlight! I'm sorry, I seem to vaguely recall Sofia out in the field too -- I'm sure doing smart detectivy things with her trunk-popper tools -- but I was too distracted by Grissom's hat. (My dear Dad has one exactly like it... talk about ruining the fantasy!) // And look, Sara and Sofia are getting along... sort'a... go investigate.

520: committed 01


When a brutal murder is committed at a state mental hospital, Grissom and Sara realize only a handful of residents and staff could be responsible for the killing. Meanwhile, Catherine and her team look into the death of young man whose body was found in a crop circle and shows no outward or inward signs of what killed him.
The pottery scene was nowhere near GHOST-level entertainment, though the possibilities were ripe with Sara, Sofia and Grissom in close quarters... alas, no, everyone seems quite chipper. // A bit of Sara angst thanks to a pointy-object near-run-through, but nothing put to good use. // The rain was pretty.

518: spark of life 02


Grissom discovers a connection between the fiery suicide of a woman in the Vegas wilderness and the slaughter of an entire family in a suburban home. The evidence exposes a couple's infidelity, as well as the unthinkable results of one woman's desperate attempt to get pregnant.
Sofia's a mere hiccup this ep, but it's still great to see her... Well, her head at least (pregnancy carefully hidden behind a bag and locker door). To an obviously down Greg: "What's the problem?" "Nothing, I'm fine." "You're not." She freely offers words of wisdom (Yay for cats and dogs and pillows.) and support to Greg, who's struggling to deal with the emotional aspects of the case. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Methinks it did.

515: king baby 05


When a well-known casino owner is found lifeless and stripped of clothing in his driveway, the CSI teams join forces to find the cause of death. Evidence leads them from a furnished adult nursery into the bizarre world of infantilism: men who wear diapers and love to be coddled.
Grissom: "I'm glad you decided to stay, Sofia." she replies "So am I, for now." ..."for now" is indeed short-lived as Catherine -- insecurities amplified by her new job status -- shows up expecting to be part of the just-completed autopsy. When Sofia steps up and tries to soothe obviously-ruffled feathers with an explanation, Catherine, feeling excluded, reflexively snaps Sofia's head off in frustration. Who didn't groan when Sofia opened her mouth and stepped into the line of fire? Catherine's look: Talk about shooting blue daggers! // File folders and lab coats try hard to hide Louise's growing tummy. // Who didn't get a good giggle at Nick's obvious mortification in the store? // GS2R is on hold this week, with Sofia and Sara downright chummy, killing each other (and us) with cracks: "I guess they'll go as long as you let'em." Sofia, befuddled: "The boobs or the kids? That's a two-legged topless buffet." and bad puns: "Maybe what we're looking for is a cash cow..." "With liquid assets." Ah, how either managed to make it through that scene without collapsing into a fit of giggles is beyond me. Catherine's "Boobs Ahoy dress" line runs a close second. // Deep and dark subject matter, covered tastefully without prejudice, and with a good sprinkling of humour.

514: unbearable 05


When a Kodiak bear is found dead with its gall bladder carefully removed and the hunter lying dead nearby, the evidence suggests another person was involved in the murders. Meanwhile, a young wife/mother is found dead after a night out with girlfriends, and the evidence suggests foul play from her seemingly perfect husband.
Must'a been chilly! Acronym-packing, roadside-assistance!Sofia is again dressed in her arctic expedition baby-bump-hiding puffy coat. // I think she's got a soft spot for Greg. she again shows a willingness to share her experience, and tips Greg on where to dust fo'prints. // Philosophical debate with Grissom. Whee! // Lots of tiny, insignificant Sofia moments scattered about. // Oooh, writers are waving a red flag at GSRs: Sofia and Grissom with their heads together in a conspiratorial manner, backs to Sara... But look! other than a tiny hesitation, Sara forges ahead and is a total professional. I guess jealous!grudges take a while to form. // Jokes at Greg's expense, always fun. Louise looks adorable pregnant (but shh, we're not supposed to notice) in the navy coveralls. And with the plant DNA, Greg's able to show that he knows some stuff too. // In interrogation, Brass is again good for a giggle: "I usually rent a Taurus." as Sofia watches the viable suspect intently. She also doesn't hesitate to dive right in for the DNA sample. Later, we're privy to a hilarious -- though perhaps TMI -- conversation with Brass, involving motives and motorcycles. Alas, there goes Sofia's "pure as the driven snow" reputation! ;) // Greg solves the case. His "[Sofia]'s fitting in pretty well, huh?" comment elicits a telling non-response from Sara. // With Grissom, trying to quit in a gracious manner (the desire is perfectly understandable, given her unwarranted demotion), Sofia's philosophical debate comes back to sweetly bite her in the ass. "Let's have dinner, shall we?" ...what you hear now is the screams of GSRs (who have been taunted and teased with UST to a nearly unbearable level over the years, and it looks like things aren't going to get better in the foreseeable future, if anything, methinks there's some girl-on-girl cattiness being readied on the horizon...) Prepare for the fallout of GS2R!

512: snakes 04


When a dead baby rattlesnake is found in the throat of a decapitated female head, the CSIs are thrust into the dangerous world of narcocorrido, a Mexican music/lifestyle underworld that glamorizes violence and brutality. Meanwhile, a body is found in the front seat of a handicapped van in a casino parking structure where Sofia and Greg find evidence that the shooter may have been confined to a wheelchair.
Coolest character "pop up" in a while. Great bullet special effect, beautifully lit. Sofia is dressed like she's ready for an arctic expedition in a giant puffy coat... Yet still manages to look gorgeous and professional. Seamless flashback storytelling fills in the blanks. // Cowboys and knobby-tired trucks. Yum. Nick gets to show that he has a pair (and I'm not talking tires) // Sara and Grissom. They share a unique relationship, sometimes awkward, but supportive and uncompromising unlike any other. // Sofia, again taking darling Greg (who looks really great with dark hair) under her wing. A very british-sounding "Why are you here?" isn't the most welcoming statement, but she puts the willing boy to work happily. // Warrick the telephone salesman = funny. Poor Brass. // Louise makes German sound sexy instead of guttural. // Elder abuse takes many forms. It's heartbreaking.

510: no humans involved 06


Tension rises as the CSI teams adjust to their new assignments while investigating two vastly different murders. Grissom and his team hunt for a killer after discovering the remains of a young boy starved to death and left in a plastic container. Meanwhile, Catherine assumes her new role as supervisor and quickly finds herself at odds with Warrick when he takes an overly aggressive approach in an investigation involving possible police brutality.
Grissom (displeased): "It says FORENSICS on our jackets." Sofia (sassy and smug, totally pleased with herself and unwilling to let Grissom rain on her parade): "I'm aware of that." I think Grissom first saw her stunt as "thrill seeking" then can't help but be a little impressed with her action when she explains and hands over the dumped gun. // Sara and Sofia. Two proud, virtuous women. Both uncompromising in their pursuit of justice and with a need to help others. We don't know enough about Sofia to guess as to what drives her, and as a result she seems "lighter" than Sara, more open and friendly, less wounded by life. Someone who feels for the plight of others, yet wouldn't drown in their grief. // "Well, it's going to take you forever to go through these alone." It's not a dig, but a veiled offer to help. "I'll get it done." Sara's chip is showing. Sofia's not part of the "team" she's not welcome. Sara's response emphasizes Sofia's new role and status as the odd one out, prompting her to say: "It took me a long time to get where I was, Sara. Now, I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I miss sleeping at night. I miss my colleagues. I miss..." "What?" "Being trusted." // And now for a break from loaded conversation. Sofia to Mia about Warrick, after interrupting their flirty exchange: "He's pretty hot." Mia: "Yeah well, he knows it." // Showing her benevolent side, Sofia coaches Greg through an unfamiliar process, helping out where she can. "Well I appreciate your help." "No big deal." Greg (opens mouth, inserts foot): "I dunno if I'd be quite so accommodating after just being... Well, you know..." "Demoted?" "Yeah." // Grissom's pig fetus gift to Catherine: Awwww, and ewwww all at the same time. A sweet and telling conversation between the two, about politics, and their teams. // The closing montage. Sofia and Gil in his office. Warrick, Nick and Greg in the lunchroom. Catherine on the outside (given her new role) proud and a little nostalgic. Most importantly Sara: Hammers home that perhaps it's Sara who'll always be alone, till she learns to let others in.

509: mea culpa 06


After a murder trial is reopened to explore new forensic evidence, Grissom discovers a previously undetected fingerprint on a piece of evidence during his cross-examination. This oversight is an opportunity for new assistant lab director Conrad Ecklie to put Grissom and his nightshift team under the microscope.
Ah, Ecklie's in charge and heads will roll! His henchwoman is on the prowl: "I've been assigned to your enquiry. Just wanted to give you the heads up... I'll be impartial." Grissom: "I'd expect nothing less." Sadly, though while I'm sure we were all supposed to think she was out to get Gris and the rest of the team, I too expected nothing less than impartiality. "Margaritaville" seems a strange password to me, but I hope they're at least using proper password etiquette and it's Mar9arit@vi113.
      Wastin' away again in Margaritaville
      Searching for my lost shaker of salt
      Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
      But I know it's my own damn fault
      Yes and some people claim that there's a woman to blame
      And I know it's my own damn fault
I love the nostalgic, teasing table conversation between Catherine, Warrick and Nick as they go over the old evidence. // I love how everyone tries to warn/protect Grissom, from Brass telling him to watch his back, to Catherine trying to get a read on which way Sofia's leaning and put in a good word for the man; Sofia stays icy and impartial. But in the end shows that she's honest and good. I admit, she made such a great impression in FORMALITIES that I never doubted that Sofia would do the right thing. Also wasn't surprised Ecklie was such a dick about it all, from the individual ambushes to obvious displeasure at his "right hand" poking him in the eye instead of patting him on the back... I was surprised when the hammer fell and the team was fractured though. It's going to be quite the change, and I'm not sure for the better. "I think you and Grissom suit each other." Damn, finally something Ecklie and I agree on.

507: formalities 07


Grissom abruptly leaves a dinner honoring Conrad Ecklie's appointment to new Assistant Director of the Crime Lab after he gets an urgent page to rush across the street to a hotel suite where a high school student was found dead. Dayshift CSI Sofia Curtis assists Grissom with the case. The autopsy reveals that the victim died of suffocation after one of her classmates was kidnapped from the party. The CSI team now races to find the kidnapped victim before she is found dead, too.
Catherine (looking fabulous as usual) and Grissom (looking incredibly dapper in his monkey-suit) and the bow-tie: Adorable. Leaving Catherine with his Ecklie non-speech? Priceless. // The woman in the red dress: "Oh yeah. You're pullin' in when I'm pulling out..." "Sofia Curtis" "...CSI 3 dayshift, you work for Ecklie." Friendly, confident and just a touch flirty... we won't hold the "Ecklie's right hand" thing against her, she's too much fun already. // I think I must have been absent the day we girls got taught how to get out of gowns and into coveralls (I think I also missed the "how to be a girlie-girl" and "how to plan your dream wedding" seminars). It's downright fascinating if I read Grissom's face right. He can't look away -- "So there it is. Don't worry, I'm wearing underwear... As far as you know." Hee. // Processing the scene: "Are you talking to me?" "No." "Do you always process like this?" "Like what?" "With your mouth." She's a chatterbox. The action is both endearing and annoying... But she's totally unapologetic. Polar opposite to Grissoms's usual quiet survey, and it's funny to see Catherine's reaction when he tries the "technique" later. // Turd-eye-view. Great shot. // Lovely little evidence back-and-forth between Grissom and Sofia. They work well together. // Everyone in the supporting cast is exceptionally good looking in this episode. // "So where does that leave us?" "Well that's highly unsatisfying." Grissom and Catherine both react, a little surprised. Hmm, a CSI that's not all about the science. T'would seem that Sofia is more interested in justice, which should make for an interesting bone of contention at some point. // The glued bowtie: "I fixed it for you." Ha! // Parking lot. Hey, Grissom *does* have a car! Looks like an old blue Mercedes, hardtop. Nice book-end to their original intro -- two ships passing (fashion note: Sofia's wearing a great suit). // I had no idea who Louise Lombard was, and rushed to look her up after this ep aired. I was thrilled to find out she was going to be a regular, a sunny addition to a cast that had become a little dark over the past 4 seasons (with good reason, mind you). Adding another personality (something Sofia is NOT lacking) to the mix is going to be a great excuse to bring out new facets in characters we already know and love.



Five years on from university, six graduates live and work in London. Charlotte, an ambitious financial journalist, whose relationship with long time boyfriend is in trouble when mega-righ business man, James Fox appears on the scene.
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Follows a team of CPG officers (Close Protection Group) assigned to guard visiting VIPs, diplomats and others under threat.
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French & Saunders
 AS HERSELF [1993]

407: the house of idiot   BUY IT


Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders, two incredibly talented British comedic actresses/writers. Creators of a collection of spoofs and skits. Tongues firmly in cheek, these two woman break down the fourth wall barrier and often interact out of character with each other.
"Ripped Trousers" I'm a huge F&S fan, and found the whole thing riotous, though I can only assume it would have been moreso if I'd actually seen "House of Eliott." Showing up both in and out of her "Evie" character, Louise and the rest of the real HOUSE OF ELIOTT cast lampoon themselves to great effect. "It's not funny." "It's not clever." "And it's not period."



Steven Crane (Clive Owen) is the 'Chancer', an ingenious, suave outsider working as a business analyst. Douglas Motors, a failing family business, call him in to save their flagging fortunes. However, his shady past is begining to catch up with him...
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House of Eliott



Sisters Beatrice and Evangeline set up a London fashion house in the 1920s.
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903: snow in provence


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512: all's fair


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The Bill

617: yesterday, today, tomorrow


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Capital City



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